Web 2.0 is the 'buzz'...but is it more than just a new dot.com investment cycle? or all the things we thought the net could do in 1995 but found we couldn't? This blog supports research into the political and cultural economy that is Web 2.0... analysing what 'Web 2.0' is: not as a list of things you can do with networked computers, but rather seeing it as a phenomenon in its own right whose beguilingly simple, computer-nerd coded title says so little about so much.

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Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Maze of Web 2.0

Welcome to my nightmare... attempting to understand the totality of 'Web 2.0'! To be precise, though, I am attempting to understand it as a multidimensional site, or location, for numerous political and cultural trends and tendencies currently at play through the Internet. Essentially, Web 2.0 labels both things happening, and mindsets being formed, all together becoming the name of the terrain of exploration and exploitation.

This blog is mostly a source of information and some side commentary, rather than an analysis of Web 2.0 itself.

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