Web 2.0 is the 'buzz'...but is it more than just a new dot.com investment cycle? or all the things we thought the net could do in 1995 but found we couldn't? This blog supports research into the political and cultural economy that is Web 2.0... analysing what 'Web 2.0' is: not as a list of things you can do with networked computers, but rather seeing it as a phenomenon in its own right whose beguilingly simple, computer-nerd coded title says so little about so much.

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Tuesday, 29 May 2007

All over it?

Considering the list of applications at AllThingsweb2 one has to conclude that either the name of that site means, all things on the Internet are now 2.0, or that there is so much definitional variety in the use of the term Web 2.0 that I should give up now. Example: This site lists Limewire -- it's a P2P filesharing utility - sure, that's good but is it Web 2.0? Of course, the irony is that the listing of the kind provided by this site (replete with rankings, reviews, etc) is, I guess, Web 2.0 itself even if by listing Limewire one might doubt its accuracy. Then again, accuracy isn't really the point is it? It's.... something. And perhaps that is what my project might investigate?

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